Pulse Elite vs Pulse 3D: Pulse Headsets Battle

By Elisabeth Christ
Published March 2024

Pulse Elite vs Pulse 3D

The world of gaming headsets is constantly evolving, with new models being released every year. Two popular options in the market are the Pulse Elite and Pulse 3D headsets. Both offer high-quality sound and exceptional comfort, but which one comes out on top?

In this article, we will compare the Pulse Elite and Pulse 3D headsets in terms of design, audio quality, and features to help you make an informed decision on which one to choose.

Key Takeaways

The Pulse Elite and Pulse 3D headsets are both excellent options for gamers seeking a high-quality audio experience. While the Pulse Elite offers superior noise cancelling features and a more customizable EQ, the Pulse 3D boasts better bass response and is specifically designed to take advantage of the PS5's Tempest 3D Audio Tech.

Pulse Elite vs Pulse 3D
PlayStation Pulse Elite

Pulse Elite

Best for Immersive Audio

✓ Luxurious & ultramodern appearance
✓ Planar magnetic drivers
✓ Passive noise isolation
✓ Sound settings customization on PS5

PlayStation Pulse 3D

Pulse 3D

Best for Budget

✓ Elegant look and lightweight
✓ 40mm neodymium drivers
✓ Immersive sound experience
✓ EQ presets and adjusments on PS5

#1 Price

PlayStation Pulse Elite

Pulse Elite

Starting with the price, the Pulse Elite sets you back $150, placing it in the mid-to-high range of gaming headsets. This price reflects its luxurious look and advanced audio features. On the other hand, the Pulse 3D comes in at a more affordable $100, making it an attractive option for gamers on a budget or those just dipping their toes into the world of enhanced audio for gaming.

#2 Design

PlayStation Pulse 3D

Pulse 3D

Coming to the design, the Pulse Elite boasts a stylish and luxurious appearance with its ultramodern design as well as enhanced ear cups that prioritize comfort. Despite its somewhat plasticky feel, the effort to blend style with comfort is evident, especially with the inclusion of a headband strap to reduce head pressure. However, its sleek black ear cup exterior is prone to damage which might be a concern for some.

In contrast, the Pulse 3D opts for a cheaper feel with its plastic casing, yet it manages to maintain an elegant look with its black-and-white design. Its design is both stylish and lightweight, but some of its elements, like the thin and stiff ear pads and the sharp, uncomfortable buttons, could detract from the overall user experience, especially during long gaming sessions.

#3 Features & Audio Quality

PlayStation Pulse Elite

Pulse Elite

When it comes to features and audio quality, the Pulse Elite is packed with many including a bendable mic with a mute button, planar magnetic drivers for sonic accuracy, and onboard volume controls specific to PS5 and PlayStation Portal use. While it lacks active noise cancelling, it still offers passive noise isolation. Furthermore, its audio quality is praised for being well-balanced, detailed, and boasting a wide soundstage with deep, well-defined bass. The option to tweak sound settings directly on the PS5 adds a level of customization despite the absence of an accompanying app for broader adjustments.

The Pulse 3D, on the other hand, is tailored specifically for PS5 use and provides Tempest 3D audio tech to deliver an immersive sound experience. Its 40mm neodymium drivers enable strong bass and crisp, detailed sound. Although it lacks a boom mic and has some issues with background noise isolation, the ability to choose from three EQ presets or create your own adjustments directly on the PS5 compensates somewhat. However, the microphone quality is noted as a weak point.

#4 Connectivity

PlayStation Pulse 3D

Pulse 3D

Regarding connectivity, both headsets offer seamless connectivity to the PS5, but the Pulse Elite steps ahead with dual-device connectivity and Bluetooth support for phone connections, enhancing its versatility. Its wireless design can also adapt to wired use, though a cable is not included. The Pulse 3D comes with a USB dongle for easy connection to PCs, Macs, or PlayStations and supports a 3.5-mm headphone cable for wider device compatibility.

#5 Battery Life

PlayStation Pulse Elite

Pulse Elite

Battery life is where the Pulse Elite truly shines, offering a substantial 30 hours of playback, with a quick-charge feature that provides two hours of battery life from just a 10-minute charge. This is significantly more than the Pulse 3D, which caps out at 12 hours of playback on a single charge. The difference in battery life could be a deciding factor for gamers who engage in long sessions and prefer minimal interruptions.

PlayStation 5 Pulse Elite vs Pulse 3D

Final Thoughts

Pulse Elite vs Pulse 3D

Pulse Elite vs Pulse 3D

According to the explanation above, both headsets have their strengths and weaknesses, and it ultimately depends on your individual preferences and requirements to choose. If you're someone who prioritizes style over comfort or has a larger budget to spare, the Pulse Elite could be an excellent choice for you with its luxurious appearance and advanced audio features.

On the other hand, if you're someone who is looking for affordability without sacrificing too much on quality or compatibility with PS5, then the Pulse 3D could be a perfect fit for you as it provides Tempest 3D audio tech that delivers an immersive sound experience.

Whichever headset you choose between these two will provide a great audio experience that will surely elevate your gaming sessions. We hope our comparison has helped guide you towards making an informed decision.

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